
Unreasonable Brutality


(2 customer reviews)

This book examines the actors involved in the passion of Jesus – both seen and unseen. In it, author James M. Thayer offers readers a warning as well as great hope.

SKU: 004 Category:


Right before Jesus is taken into custody, Peter stands up and uses his sword to slice an ear off one of the men who came to take his Lord away. Jesus rebukes Peter and then performs a great miracle – He touches the ear of the now bleeding man and heals him. Try placing yourself in the shoes of the religious leaders in the garden that night. Would you maybe stop for a moment and rethink whether you should murder the Man who just replaced an ear by simply touching it? That would be the reasonable course of action, but reason is far removed from the persecution and execution of Jesus.

Usually, when a government decides to execute a person, it does so dispassionately. The execution of Jesus, though, had all the hallmarks of a man being slaughtered for stealing someone’s wife or killing their small children. It is possibly one of the most cared-for executions in history.

There was such great revelry from the actors; people were delighted to see Jesus tortured and murdered. Though one later repented, even the crucified thieves somehow found the strength to mock Jesus with their final breaths. From a purely human perspective, the whole thing is an outrageous scene. But to look at it through merely human eyes is to make a mistake.

Behind the spitting, the jeers, the beating, the yelling, the whipping, nailing, contempt, and fear was a demonic realm at feast.

Book Details:
56 Pages
Black Print, Crème Pages
Matte Color Cover

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2 reviews for Unreasonable Brutality

  1. jthayer2

    “Profound” – Dona D

  2. jthayer2

    “Unreasonable Brutality hurt my heart and gave me such great hope at the same time. Thank you for writing this. We do serve an awesome God.” – Lori C

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